The SEC Media Days are always full of hype each year. While fans gather in the lobby at the Hilton Hotel in Hoover, AL. they only want to see one thing, stars.
The SEC Media Days Event certainly lives up to their expectations! One star in attendance today was none other than Texas A&M Quarterback, Johnny Manziel. It wasn’t real hard to find him either. Just follow the bright lights of cameras and the voices of reporters yelling questions and before you know it, your in the right place.
Everyone in attendance wanted to ask a question to “Mr. Football.” However, as Manziel made the media circuit rounds, everyone brought the Q&A’s back to his one night of controversy, missing his meeting at the Manning camp that led to his expulsion.
Manziel did his best to dodge the majority of the backlash. His answers were short and went something like this: “It wasn’t anything about the night before. My phone died and I overslept. It has nothing to do with alcohol. I can’t discuss any further details about what happened at the Manning Camp.”
Manziel handled the media well today but he certainly received an eye opener on the higher standard that he’s held to from all who watch from afar.
Time will tell if the NFL has the same views as Manziel. So here’s to the NFL draft and if
Especially, if Manziel decides to declare for the NFL draft. This is one star we will keep you in the know about. So stay tuned!