Detroit police are investigating an incident involving Lions’ wide receiver, Jameson Williams, after video footage surfaced Tuesday of the 23-year old being detained and released from custody after officers initially prepared to arrest him over a weapon found underneath the passenger seat of a vehicle on Oct. 8.
Williams reportedly came into contact with authorities when he and his brother were stopped, police say. His brother was driving and Williams made officers aware that there were guns inside the vehicle upon detainment.
Police found a gun registered to Williams but discovered he did not possess a concealed pistol license. Officers then began to take Williams into custody for lack of credentials. The third-year wideout made police aware of his professional athlete status.
“I play for the Lions, bro I’m Jameson Williams,” Williams said.
Officers would then let Williams know that his status did not matter in this circumstance, later alerting their sergeant supervisor due to his professional athlete profile.
Williams’ brother then told police the gun belonged to him, but Williams would later go on to admit to officers the gun was his.
“I got the gun for protection,” Williams said. “Do you guys know where I live at? Detroit.”
Williams was then handcuffed and placed in the back of a squad car but wasn’t taken to jail. A sergeant arrived at the scene shortly afterward and immediately recognized Williams, being a reported Lions fan.
Williams is scheduled to return from his two-game NFL suspension on Nov. 10. The Detroit police have submitted a warrant to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office, who will decide if carrying a registered pistol in a car without a Concealed Pistols License, is worth a charge.