Many Alabama fans are eager to learn more about future Alabama players and who they are as individuals. I was fortunate enough to speak with Cartersville (GA) tight end and 2016 Alabama commit Miller Forristall in order to ask him some questions to that end.
DJH: I’ve read that you are on schedule to enroll at Alabama early, is that still the case?
MF: That is very true. I will be there in January.
DJH: What are you thinking about studying?
MF: Some type of communication or business.
DJH: Talk about where you’re at as far as practices and gearing up for next season.
MF: We’ve got our first scrimmage this coming Friday. We had our intersquad scrimmage Saturday and now we’ve got our upcoming scrimmage, a week off, and then we start our schedule.
DJH: What are your expectations for this season, both from a personal and team standpoint?
MF: From a team standpoint, we’re shooting for another run at a state title. Hopefully, I’ll get a ring this year. Personally, I want to have over 1,000 yards receiving and over 10 touchdowns.
DJH: Your quarterback Trevor Lawrence has numerous offers and is receiving high ratings from some recruiting analysts. Talk a little bit about your relationship with him.
MF: I’ve got a pretty good relationship with him. We’re real close and he’s a lot of fun to be around, so I’m going to try and recruit him a little bit.
DJH: In our evaluation of your tape at Touchdown Alabama, we’ve made comparisons to former Alabama and current NFL tight end Brad Smelley. Is there any player that you model your game after or that you would compare yourself to?
MF: Not a whole lot. When I was at Alabama, coach Saban said I could turn into the same type of athlete as O.J. Howard and that was saying a lot. My main goal is to keep developing as a player.
DJH: Do you have any visits planned to Tuscaloosa or elsewhere?
MF: I’m definitely going to take my official [visit] this fall and try to get to as many games as possible, and I may take an official [visit] out to Cal.
DJH: What’s your relationship like with the coaches at Alabama?
MF: It’s pretty good. I talk to coach [Bobby] Williams a pretty good amount and I really like him. I’m comfortable with the coaches and I really like the vibe.
DJH: What drives you when you’re on the football field?
MF: Just the competition aspect. I absolutely hate to lose, and that’s my driving factor right there.
DJH: What do you like to do when you’re not playing football?
MF: My dad owns a martial arts studio, so I spend a lot of time there and do that.
DJH: If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
MF: Competitive.
Derek J. Hooper is a Recruiting Analyst for Touchdown Alabama. You can follow him on Twitter @derekjhooper.