The amount of letters coming in slowed down as I think the performance of the team pretty much answered everyone’s questions itself, but picking from the ones that did come in leave a few good ones.
If Eddie Jackson is the missing piece in the defensive backfield, why did it take so long for him to start? Why wasn’t he started sooner?
There’s really no reason to believe at this point that Eddie Jackson is indeed the missing piece, though it’s obvious that there was something missing in that defensive backfield. Eddie did have a good showing, but there’s no way of knowing he’s just what that set needs with just one good game under his belt.
Saban will continue to rotate people in and out of that position and if in fact Eddie proves to be the one that stands up game after game THEN he’ll be the one to keep that position.
As for why it took so long to use him this much, it has been part of a “vetting” process. They tried to more experienced players first and just finally got around to Jackson. Time will tell if he’s the one, but I’ll agree, it does look good right now and Ole Miss was certainly a worth test.
I thought it was just me, but I read on other Alabama boards that others thought Chad Lindsay did a better job than Ryan Kelly and that the communication on the line seemed better. What do you think?
First of all, Lindsay gave Ryan a run for his money for the starting job and Lindsay has been benefiting from more time on the sidelines with William Vlachos, a center on two national championship teams who came back to Tuscaloosa to work as a graduate assistant coach. Secondly, by the time Lindsay came in, the Rebels had been worn down a bit, so it may have been easier for him to look like he was doing a better job.
As for communication, that did seem better. But then with the game going on and Saban with a comfortable lead, the offense didn’t go to a lot of different sets and that made the job of calling the line easier. Plus, except for the first drive in the third quarter, the offense went mostly to running plays so he didn’t have to call out pass blocking calls or blitz pick ups. That would sure make it look easier.
Since Lindsay is going to get the start in the next two games, we’ll see how it goes, even if it is against lesser talent that Ole Miss. Then we’ll see how things go. Lindsay certainly looks as good, but as for better, time will tell.
Vanderbilt put up 35 points on Ole Miss and a Texas team who have looked pitiful this season put up 23 on Ole Miss, so what’s wrong with our offense and why could we only put up 25 on them?
Vanderbilt got into a track meet with them and came up just a bit short. They had to pile up as many points as they could because Ole Miss was scoring so much too.
Alabama could have scored more, but Saban tends to go conservative with a lead a working running game. In the second half of the game, there were what, only three or passes thrown? The rest were all running plays. Saban was content to simply run the ball and the clock out and not embarrass a fellow coach he has no animosity toward.
AJ McCarron was 25 for 32 and in command of his passing game. Had Saban wanted the score to be 42-0 it could have been. I don’t think you have to worry about the offense putting up points when they have to.
Since he’s in your neck of the woods, can you tell us whatever happened to Eddie Williams? If he had stayed on the short and narrow he could have helped us this season.
Eddie was just denied youthful offender status in his two pending court cases and will be tried as an adult. Given the evidence at hand now, Williams will serve some jail time that will more than keep him from ever playing college football.
He’s supposedly living here in Panama City, Florida with his family awaiting trial. Since his arrests, he’s made the news by revealing to the police his sexual involvement with his high school athletic director. That charge against the female staff member of Arnold High, Karisa Wesley, 35, has not been proven and was not investigated further since Williams was reportedly over 18 years old at the time.
Williams may be leaving jail about the same time he would have been leaving college if he’s lucky. Many of us in this area knew Williams as a fun loving, polite young man with a gift for sports. It was sad to see him or any young man make these bad choices.
If you have questions you’d like answers to, you can ask them here in the comment section, on our Facebook page or you can email them directly to me.