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Politics and College Football - How do you feel?

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The Old Senior Writer
Joined: 9 years ago
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The NCAA, certain conferences and even individual teams all feel different about how college football should be handled this season. We want to know how our readers feel about this.

In your own words, let us know if you feel politics played a part in decisions that were made about scheduling football this season.

If so or if not, let us know why you feel that way.

If you thought things weren't handled well by the NCAA in this year's scheduling, you might even include how they could fix this the next time something like this happens.

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Posts: 46

if there were 6 power conferences of 13 teams ( no divisions ) play 

all 12 conference opponents each year...(no conf. championship games)

78 teams in power 6.   take best 8 teams for national championship 

play-off.   have a couple off weeks each year by all teams.  home & home

equals 6 home games . away games should allow 30% for opponents 

fans .   p.s.  i’m sick if 6/6 bowl team games of zero significance.   

The Old Senior Writer
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@hoss interesting points. As for  6/6 Bowls... As long as someone is selling tickets and TV rights for them, I say let them play. It gives teams extra practice time for next season and pumps money into the conferences.

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Larry, weve spring training ( normally).  then fall (still hot) and games. then virtually 70% of teams in late year to early next year in mostly (who cares) bowl games.   how about only quality teams ( maybe 16) bowlgames...which is 32 teams and say about 25% of Div one. ?  more ain’t necessarily better.   weve still got baseball,softball,basketball, and other college sports to enjoy.    i’d guess many can remember the big bowl games on new years day...maybe 10 games ?   overkill ( for $$) is





The Old Senior Writer
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Ah, but I love ALL football and as long as some bowl is willing to spring to financially put these bowls on, I'm glad for it. The money helps the schools and the extra practice time and "clout" of going bowling helps the teams, so I just don't see the downside in it...

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couple SEC team can win 2 conference games and go to some Bowl...come-on-man !     #2...hoping Ty Perine wins the punting job, the kids got some mojo rtr

The Old Senior Writer
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I know Jeff, but these are weird times in 2020..... LOL

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@ Larry...these times ( our times ) are character checks.   had pandemic back in 1968 ( Hong kong flu) & didnt even know it.  Have been waay less wealthy and didn’t recognize it...”keep pressing-on”.  Have seen rioting before & dont like it then or now.  Change keeps on changing...always has.  Change doesn’t mean we give-up principal .   Aging doesnt mean we can’t think & work and decide l    I say ROLL TIDE 2020...just like 1958 weve a new year and team.  ROLL TIDE ROLL...the heck with weird times ?️?





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