Even Injured AJ McCarron Proves to be the Best
By: Larry Burton
To limp or not to limp, that was the question…..
By the end of the game, if McCarron’s injury was even an injury at all, only McCarron knew for sure.
By shredding the Tennessee defense with just over 300 yards and four touchdowns, AJ has served notice not only that he is one of the best quarterbacks in the nation, but one of the most durable.
He entered Alabama as a freshman as a stick man and Nick Saban’s plan was to fatten and muscle him up as much and as quickly as possible. That seemed to have worked out pretty well.
During a week of practice, reporters all noticed a slight limp or at the best a favoring on the leg and knee that took a hit the previous weekend. But come game day, the Clark Kent look McCarron donned the cape and there was no hint of an injury.
After his first season, the game plan was to work with him to make smarter decisions with the ball, eliminate interceptions, cut down the number of sacks he takes and improve pass efficiency.
Consider that accomplished as well as this week McCarron leads the nation in pass efficiency as well as fewest interceptions.
McCarron now enters serious talk in the Heisman race and should at least be a finalist to go to New York this winter.
With other serious games yet to be played that could make or break his chances there, there is no doubt that he will end the season in the ranks of the best quarterbacks in all of college football this season.

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