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jeff baughman
Trusted Member
Joined: Aug 18, 2020
Last seen: Dec 8, 2020
Topics: 15 / Replies: 31
RE: SOURCES: Alabama RB Jase McClellan has emerged as No. 3 in rotation

Jase and Roydell both have the “it” factor to continue Bama’s run of elite RB”s. We’re losing Najee and Brian #22 & #4 as both are seniors. Trey...

4 years ago
RE: A great article about HOW Jaylen Waddle makes it back to the playoffs... Do you agree? Let's hear it!

Not having a full understanding of the injury does throw a monkey wrench into the guessing-game of Waddle’s recovery to full speed . Jumping, landin...

4 years ago
RE: Still think the defense sucks? Read why it coming around. The stats may surprise you.

Good write-up Larry ! The D has come along recently and that’s what many have been wanting/waiting for. Tackling improved but still a work in prog...

4 years ago
RE: Match wits with the number one list of losers in college football... Larry's Losers in the SEC!

Nice pickin’s Larry...the losers are aplenty and it’s mostly a dog & cat show here below the mason/dixon line. I maneuvered down to the locked b...

4 years ago
RE: Media says Bama's chances of winning it all gone without Waddle. Do you agree? Let us know.

Larry, as we all know our opinions can be unilateral and not well accepted by the bilateral. I’m of the opinion that an exquisite racehorse should b...

4 years ago
RE: Ga'Quincy McKinstry Recruiting Update

thanks Justin...some good inside info. keep-up the good crutin info. ?

4 years ago
RE: Why is Mac Jones being ignored as the top QB in college football? The press loves Trevor Lawrence. See these stats!

Nice Article Larry. Agree the stats favor Mac ( the Knife ) Jones. He’s proven He can take a hit and doesn’t flush & run laterally which allo...

4 years ago
we now have more potential on the front 7/6/5. thinking another year of strength & conditioning

m will help withD-line & backers. Secondary seems to be thinking instead of reacting. all should come together better as season progresses. ...

4 years ago
numbers ? thats for giggles & grins

I’m interested in some dirt flying $&#@+ tackles...not just reach out (timidly) and grab...its even rubbing off on a true freshman or two ! what i...

4 years ago
Yes, CNS wouldve won anywhere

His principals, work ethic, character etc. are virtually unequaled in the times of modernity! The old days required way more hands on (down & di...

4 years ago
nice write-up SMS.

CNS showing toughness on poor tackling is big...weve got to get back to making life miserable for opponents. Make them quit and completely hate play...

4 years ago
Sure thought he did well...but so did the mizoo QB

My worry is he got poppped too often. Need to keep #10 upright all year... the kid has developed nicely and seems in control and unconcerned about ...

4 years ago
RE: Larry's Losers in the SEC - Week 2 - 2020

That’s some purty pikins right there. could be an upset or so but Larry sure seems to know a loser when he sees one ( or two ). Sure countin on t...

4 years ago
RE: Roll Call! Where are you from?!

had sand in my shoes for bout 70 years...FWB & Pensacola. left Birmingham 1949 @ bout 5 yo.

4 years ago
RE: Politics and College Football - How do you feel?

@ Larry...these times ( our times ) are character checks. had pandemic back in 1968 ( Hong kong flu) & didnt even know it. Have been waay less ...

4 years ago
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